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Lidl - Bermondsey

Home » Case Studies » Retail » Lidl – Bermondsey

Walsingham Planning has secured planning permission for a replacement Lidl Foodstore in South London. The existing store was in a sustainable location with good access to public transport, but was coming to the end of its useful life. We identified a qualitative deficiency in convenience shopping in the local area and successfully argued that the 45% increase in sales area in an edge of centre location would be acceptable, taking into account retail impact and sequential considerations.

The design of the new store took the opportunity to bring the building to the front of the site so that its bold glazed frontage could interact with the street. A contemporary palette of materials and simple, sleek design ensured a building which suited its location, close to a main arterial highway.

We successfully agreed the removal of the existing landscaping along the pavement edge and a new landscaping scheme was prepared, which softened the site without impinging on the Foodstore’s street presence.

Residential amenity was a key consideration for the scheme as flatted developments bordered the site on two sides. Careful daylight/sunlight analysis ensured the detailed design of the building responded appropriately to this constraint.

Early and regular correspondence with Ward Councillors resulted in Member support for the proposed redevelopment, which was approved by Planning Committee.

The new store has brought significant benefits to the local community in terms of enhanced retail provision, additional jobs and environmental improvements.

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